
Since day one, we are strongly affiliated with the straight edge movement. Even though we don't need to label our band as a strictly straight edge hardcore band, we definitely support a drug free way of life and we are trying to avoid escapism as much as we can.
Consequently, we are more than happy to be invited to play in Berlin Straight Edge Days 2013 on Saturday 6th September 2013. It's a 2day event feat. a bunch of great bands.
Edge Day started back in 1999 in Boston and 14 years later it's still alive in almost every big city of the world.
So, we just booked our air tickets and the 3day tour is going to be something like this:
6th September | Subversiv, Berlin (DE) @ Edge Day 2013
7th September | t.b.a., Potsdam or Berlin (DE)
8th September | t.b.a., Athens (GR) @ 7" release show *

* Yeah, we are doing a proper release show for our new split 7" (with our friends The Bridge), that will hit the streets around early July 2013. It's gonna be a local punk / hardcore show; more info soon.