
We are playing in Nauplio this coming Saturday.
It's the 1st DIY festival taking place in this city and we are more than proud to be a part of it.
See ya there.-


One more review for our 'Noble Intentions' demo.
The Projekt Fish Tank crew was kind enough to write some nice words for us.
Check a huge part of the review, you local readers.

Πάντα αντιλαμβανόμουν και αφομοίωνα το hardcore σαν έκφραση μίσους ή απογοήτευσης και η δύναμή του, όπως και η αίσθηση ελευθερίας που τη συνοδεύει, ήταν απόρροιες αυτών των συναισθημάτων. Καταλαβαίνετε λοιπόν τη σαστιμάρα μου όταν βρέθηκα αντιμέτωπος με το αγνό posi-core των My Turn. Μάλιστα, posi-core! Όσο κι αν εκτιμώ μουσικά τις δισκάρες των Gorilla Biscuits και των Champion, ποτέ δε μπόρεσα να ταυτιστώ με το μήνυμα "όχι βία, όλοι καλοί είμαστε, καινούριο ξεκίνημα" κλπ. Προς θεού, δεν κράζω, χίλιες φορές να "νιώθει" ένα πιτσιρίκι με τέτοιους στίχους παρά με τις αρχιδιές των κάθε Manowar, ίσως με τέτοια ερεθίσματα να βγαίνουν και καλύτεροι άνθρωποι, απλά σε μένα αυτή η φάση ποτέ δεν έκανε κλικ. Οι στίχοι λοιπόν είναι το βασικό χαρακτηριστικό των My Turn, τίμιες, απλές φράσεις που στοχεύουν στην καρδιά, ενώ πολύ σωστές βρίσκω τις επεξηγηματικές σημειώσεις που προσδίδουν ένα έντονο προσωπικό touch.

Η positive αύρα δεν εξαντλείται στους στίχους βέβαια, μα διέπει κάθε νότα της μουσικής των My Turn. Κι αυτό δεν είναι καθόλου εύκολο στην πράξη, πρέπει να είσαι πολύ ψημένος με το hardcore και αληθινός για να το πετύχεις, στεγνές αντιγραφές στο posi-core δεν υπάρχουν, αφού αυτό το διαυγές αίσθημα ανάτασης δεν μπορεί να αναπαραχθεί αν δεν βγαίνει απ' την ψυχή των δημιουργών. Παλιομοδίτες στους ρυθμούς και τις συνθετικές δομές τους, μα με πολύ όμορφες ιδέες στα riffs και ξεσηκωτικά φωνητικά, οι My Turn φτιάχνουν ανεβαστικά τραγούδια, ιδανικά για ξέφρενα live, αλλά χωρίς να στερούνται συναισθηματικού βάρους. Η μπάντα ξέρει πολύ καλά τι κάνει και το κάνει τέλεια, δίνοντας σημασία στην κάθε λεπτομέρεια, οπότε αν βρήκατε κάποτε το νόημα στο positive hardcore, θα βρείτε την υγειά σας με τούτους εδώ. Παρόλο που παραμένω ένας μίζερος μαλάκας, δηλώνω εντυπωσιασμένος από τη συγκεκριμένη κυκλοφορία και περιμένω περισσότερη μουσική από τους My Turn.

Here's the whole review:
We still have a bunch of demos left, if you are interested.



'H συναυλία ξεκίνησε με μια μικρή καθυστέρηση και στη σκηνή βρέθηκαν οι My Turn. Hταν η δεύτερη φορά που τους έβλεπα και σαφώς καλύτερη. Αν μου είχαν κεντρίσει το ενδιαφέρον με την εμφάνιση τους στη Πάτρα και με το demo τους, αυτή τη φορά με κέρδισαν απόλυτα. Χαμογελαστοί, γεμάτοι ενέργεια βγήκαν έπαιξαν τα τραγούδια τους και το διασκέδασαν μαζί με το κόσμο. Μερικά πράγματα πρέπει να παραμένουν απλά, ένα από αυτά είναι και το hardcore, οι My Turn δείχνουν να έχουν πιάσει το νόημα και μάλιστα πολύ καλά. Old School Style.'

This is an extract of the CBK report, taken from the Hardcore Nation blog. 
English readers; sorry, it's in Greek... But no worries, it's a good review, after all, he!
Here's the full article: 


So, we are back from Kefallonia island and we'd love to share a mini report & some memories with you...

We (3 My Turn and 2 Bandage members) met on Saturday very very early (that means 8...) in the morning,  in order to catch the 11.45 boat from Kyllini to Poros. We started the trip around 8.45, so we had almost 3 hours for 300km; that means that we had to hurry up... After a lot of near death experiences and some crazy driving (reaching 180km per hour) by A., we arrived in Kyllini at 11.45 precisely. You can imagine that we were the last car & the very last passengers to enter the boat. Actually, we could say that the captain was waiting for us to buy tickets and get on board...
We arrived in Poros at around 13.00 and then after a 1,5 hour road trip we reached Lixouri and met the locals who were setting up the fest. We had a delicious (extremely 'heavy', though) lunch and got back to TEI University to soundcheck and hang out with the rest of the bands. The soundcheck started at 17.00 and ended at 22.00; that was not good for our nerves, but we overcame it with sleep, reading and teasing each other. The show started right after the last band finished soundcheck. Jolly Roger (a local hip hop band) played first, and then Another One Falls (kick-ass 90s punk rock), Middle Fingers High (skate punk), Bandage (punk rock comrades) performed their shows.
It was already 1 o'clock when we hit the stage. We had lots of fun featuring stage dive attempts, sing-alongs and circle-pits during our 4 first songs and then ...bad luck knocked our door. A girl (the one that took the amazing pictures you can enjoy below) got injured in the knee and we had to stop our set. We started again after almost 10 minutes, when something like a fight broke out... We were already kinda pissed with the really bad sound, plus our singer, A., was not in the right mood for a show due to personal reasons; consequently that led to a not that perfect appearance, but at least an OK one. Did we have fun? Of course we had. After all, we really enjoy playing live and sharing our music and emotions with you, and this can never change no matter the bad incidents that may happen in a live show...
Wish Upon A Star and Despite Everything were next and the fest ended at around 3.30.
We'd definitely like to thank everyone from the autonomous centre in the Lixouri University for inviting us to play that show, plus Olga & Ntinos (Another One Falls) for all the help. Big thanks to that guy Leuteris, who, without even knowing us, gave us the keys of his house in order to crash at 6 o'clock in the morning.
Solidarity and trust are 2 great reasons that push us to go on.

The trip back to Athens was endless. We left Lixouri at 12.30 and entered Athens at 22.00.
That was a way too huuggeee traffic jam....

P.S. Next stop: Nauplio, 2nd July. Btw, we just confirmed one more show... We are participating in Groove Your Neighborhood fest #4 that takes place in Corfu island on 6th August 2011.

All photos by Natalia. We wish you well.


Huge thanks to every single one of you that attended the show last night.
Without you we are nothing...
We are leaving for Kefallonia tomorrow, (very) early in the morning.
Can't wait.
P.S. We have some t-shirts left, only medium size. Ask for our new buttons & stickers, as well.


Hey hey.
Summer is here and the weather in the shithole is getting sooo hot...
This won't prevent us from keep on rehearsing and playing shows, though.
We have 2 shows coming this week.
We are going to share the stage with Comeback Kid and Toxica Apovlita on Thursday.
The show is taking place in AN Club, Athens. Be there early, we are playing first.
We are gonna perform 1 brand new song and 1 brand new cover...
It's been a while since we last played a proper show in Athens, so you can imagine how psyched we are about this!

Moreover, we are travelling to Lixouri, Kefallonia this coming Saturday to participate in the festival that takes place in the local university. A bunch of cool bands like Bandage, Despite Everything, Wish Upon A Star, Middle Fingers High, Another One Falls and Jolly Roger are playing, too. It's the first 'island-show' for My Turn, but be sure that it won't be the last...
